Page: Receiving Stolen Property

Receiving Stolen Property

The crime of buying, receiving or aiding in the concealment of stolen property, knowing it to have been stolen.

The maximum penalty is 2 ½ years in a county house of correction (HOC) and/or a fine of $250 or 5 years in state prison and/or a fine of $500.

In order to prove the Defendant is guilty of Receiving Stolen Property, the prosecutor must prove 3 things beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. That the property in question was stolen (that someone had taken the property without right or the consent of the owner, while intending to deprive the owner of it permanently).
  2. That the Defendant knew that the property had been stolen.
  3. That the Defendant knowingly had the stolen property in his/her possession (bought the stolen property or aided in concealing the stolen property).

Defense Strategies for Receiving Stolen Property

Clients are often charged with Receiving Stolen Property rather than Larceny because it is a much easier charge for the prosecutor to prove. Most often, the charge is treated as a felony, with very serious consequences.

Depending on the specific facts of your case, many defenses exist for a charge of Receiving Stolen Property. My many years of experience in the legal profession mean that I am prepared to file motions to dismiss for lack of probable cause or suppress evidence obtained through an illegal search and seizure. I may also file a motion to dismiss for failure to provide a Clerk’s Hearing (Show Cause) or protect your record through Pre-Trial Diversion.

Once we read your police report and talk to you, we can map out your best strategy. The attorneys at The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley have been criminal defense attorneys for many years and have an excellent track record in handling these kind of cases.

Call The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley now for your FREE consultation, with absolutely no obligation. If you have been charged with Receiving Stolen Property, don’t stress, just call. Let us worry about your case, while you go on with your life.