In court proceedings, there are criminal charges and civil charges.

Both charges can have very severe consequences. However, the main difference between the two is that a civil case generally results in financial penalties, whereas a criminal case can send you to jail. If you are facing a criminal charge in Massachusetts, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney with a proven track record. You have far too much at stake to leave your defense to someone who is inadequate or inexperienced.

Without the proper representation in court, you could face a jail term or substantial fines, or lose your job, driver’s license, or welfare benefits. If you’re not a U.S citizen, you could even be deported. You need a well-respected attorney, who understands your rights, knows his way around the courts, and can assure you of your best chance to stay out of jail, avoid costly fines, and win your case.

Are You Facing Criminal Charges? DO NOT DELAY!

Assault & Battery

Being charged with Assault and Battery (A&B) in Massachusetts is serious and can lead to severe consequences, including fines, imprisonment, and a permanent criminal record. For non-citizens, it may even result in deportation. Many face these charges due to misunderstandings, self-defense, or false accusations, but it doesn’t mean you’re guilty. It’s crucial to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney who can assess your case, explain the charges, and build a strong defense to protect your rights and future. The right legal support can make all the difference in achieving a favorable outcome.

Failure To Register As A Sex Offender

Facing a charge of Failure to Register as a Sex Offender in Massachusetts is serious and demands immediate attention and skilled legal representation. The consequences can significantly affect your personal and professional life. If you’re in this situation, it’s crucial to understand the potential penalties and take steps to protect your rights and future.

Indecent Exposure

Indecent Exposure is considered a sex crime and offenses of this nature are taken very seriously. To put the seriousness of these charges into perspective, such crimes are considered by many as part and parcel with other sex crimes like prostitution, sexual molestation, rape, and child pornography. It is important to get expert legal advice as soon as possible. Being convicted of Indecent Exposure can be a traumatizing experience. Apart from the legal consequences, it can also damage your reputation, leaving you with a lot of explaining to do for the rest of your life.

Petit or Grand Larceny

Facing charges for Petit or Grand Larceny can have far-reaching consequences beyond immediate legal penalties. These may include difficulties with employment, potential impact on immigration status for non-U.S. citizens, and long-term damage to your reputation. It is crucial to prepare a strong defense to protect your future and freedom. Our skilled criminal defense attorneys are dedicated to safeguarding your rights and achieving the best possible outcome for your case. With a proven track record of success, we offer compassionate, detail-oriented representation to mitigate the impact of criminal charges on your life.

Open & Gross Lewdness or Other Sex Offender Registry Crimes

If you have been charged with open and gross lewdness or other sex offender registry crimes, you are at risk of lifelong humiliation and persecution. Open & Gross Lewdness is the crime of intentionally or recklessly exposing one’s genitals, buttocks or female breasts to one or more persons, who were in fact alarmed or shocked by such behavior. The maximum penalty is 2 years in a county house of correction (HOC) or 3 years in state prison and/or a fine of $300. With so much at stake, you must act NOW to hire the best attorney possible. Contact The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, Criminal law is what we do and we have many years of experience helping hundreds of people in situations like yours.


Facing drug possession charges requires a strong legal defense. An experienced attorney can help you navigate your options and advocate for your rights in court. At The Law Offices of Elliot Savitz & Scott Bradley, our skilled criminal defense attorneys specialize in Massachusetts drug laws and are dedicated to minimizing the impact of these charges on your life.

Property Damage

If you’re facing Malicious Destruction of Property charges in Massachusetts, it’s essential to consult a criminal defense attorney who specializes in property damage cases immediately. A conviction can carry serious penalties, and having experienced legal representation can greatly impact the outcome of your case.

Receiving Stolen Property

Depending on the details of your case, there are several possible defenses for a Receiving Stolen Property charge. With my extensive legal experience, I can file motions to dismiss for lack of probable cause or suppress evidence obtained through illegal search and seizure. I may also seek dismissal for failure to provide a Clerk’s Hearing (Show Cause) or protect your record through Pre-Trial Diversion.

Robbery Charges

If you’re facing robbery charges in Massachusetts, whether armed or unarmed, it is crucial to consult with a criminal defense attorney who specializes in such cases. The complexities of robbery cases require expert legal counsel to navigate the serious consequences you may face. Robbery charges are serious felonies that are prosecuted in Superior Court, and the penalties can range from years in prison to life imprisonment. The process can be lengthy and complex, with the potential for extensive legal proceedings. Having a skilled criminal defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Robbery Charges

If you’re facing robbery charges in Massachusetts, whether armed or unarmed, it is crucial to consult with a criminal defense attorney who specializes in such cases. The complexities of robbery cases require expert legal counsel to navigate the serious consequences you may face. Robbery charges are serious felonies that are prosecuted in Superior Court, and the penalties can range from years in prison to life imprisonment. The process can be lengthy and complex, with the potential for extensive legal proceedings. Having a skilled criminal defense attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.

Sexual Assault

As your Massachusetts Sexual Assault Attorney, we will work to uncover the facts of the alleged incident and aim to secure the best possible outcome for you. Our top priority will be reducing or having the charges dropped as quickly as possible, with the ultimate goal of eliminating any risk of being labeled a sex offender. We will file motions to suppress any evidence obtained unlawfully, but the defense strategy will be tailored to the specifics of your case.


If you’re facing a shoplifting charge, it’s essential to act quickly. A conviction can lead to more than just fines or jail time—it can jeopardize your job, future employment opportunities, and your reputation. For professionals in licensed fields like teaching or nursing, the consequences can be especially severe.

Your first step should be to contact an experienced Massachusetts criminal lawyer. A knowledgeable attorney can guide you through the legal process and protect your rights.


Theft charges come with serious penalties. If the value of the stolen item is less than $250, you could be facing up to one year in jail. If the value is $250 or more, the potential sentence increases to up to five years in prison and a felony conviction on your record.

Even if the situation was a misunderstanding, you could still be subjected to fines, restitution, jail time, probation, and damage to your reputation and career. For non-U.S. citizens, there’s also the risk of deportation.


Trespassing is the unlawful act of entering or remaining on another person’s property—such as a house, building, or boat—after being explicitly prohibited by the owner or through posted signs. The maximum penalty for trespassing is up to 30 days in a county house of correction and/or a $100 fine. If you’ve been arrested for trespassing, it’s essential to seek legal assistance immediately.